5 Bizarre & Unique Delicacies You Should Try On Your Next Asia Trip!
As a traveler who loves exploring local cuisine, I’m always up for trying new and unusual dishes. Asia is home to some of the most exotic and bizarre foods in the world, and during my travels, I’ve encountered some truly unique delicacies. Here are some of my experiences trying unusual dishes in Asia:
1. Balut – Philippines
Growing up in the Philippines, balut was a common delicacy that we would often see being sold by street vendors. Balut is a fertilized duck egg that’s been incubated for around 18 days before being boiled and served. Despite its odd and seriously intimidating appearance, it’s a popular snack in the Philippines, often eaten with a sprinkle of salt or vinegar. The partially formed duck embryo inside has a slightly gamey flavor and a chewy texture, and for many Filipinos, it’s a beloved comfort food. And to be quite honest, it doesn’t really taste as bad as it looks!
2. Scorpions – Thailand
My husband and I tried fried scorpions for the first time during our Bangkok trip. The scorpions we had were deep-fried and seasoned with spices, giving them a crunchy texture and a slightly nutty flavor. I only took a really small bite though as I wasn’t exactly fond of the idea of ingesting a venonous creature. But this was defnitely one for the books. Haha!
3. Beondegi – South Korea
During one of my trips to South Korea, my Korean friends got me to try beondegi, a popular street food made from boiled silkworm pupae. The pupae are seasoned with salt, sesame oil, and soy sauce and served in a small cup or bowl. The taste was surprisingly and honestly pleasant, with a nutty, earthy flavor and a slightly crunchy texture. It went really well with ice cold Korean beer too!
4. Durian – Southeast Asia
5. Stinky Tofu – Taiwan